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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

-The questionnaire about Maritime Museum

Maritime Museum Questionnaire
The purpose of this study is to evaluate customer experience of the Maritime Museum and find out how it can be improved for future visits.
Gender: Female Male
Age group: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 76 plus
(1) Is this your first ever visit to Maritime Museum?
Yes No (If yes go to Q3, if No please continue to Q2)
(2) How many times have you visited the Maritime Museum?

Twice Three times Four times More than four times

(3) How did you get to the Maritime Museum?
By Car By Bus By Foot By Boat By Taxi By DLR
By National Rail A combination of more than one mode of transport
Please state........................................................................
(4) How convenient was your journey to the Maritime Museum?
Not Convenient Please state why.......................................................................................

(5) From a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the most satisfied, how would you rate the level of your customer experience?
1 2 3 4 5

(6) Did the Maritime Museum meet your expectations?
Yes No If no, Please state why.....................................................................

(7) What did you get from your visit to the Maritime Museum? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(8) Is there anything that the Maritime Museum could do to improve your experience? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(9) How likely are you to visit the Maritime Museum again?

Very Likely Likely Maybe Not Likely

(10) Would you recommend family members and friends to visit the Maritime Museum?
Yes No
Thank you for your time and participation

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